The main exhibitions of the North Ostrobothnia Museum are in the Ainola Province House, built in 1931 in the Hupisaari park area in Oulu. The museum in Ainola will close at the end of 2023. A new building will be completed in the Myllytulli district in 2026 to house the renovated exhibitions.

The North Ostrobothnia Museum also comprises of a number of specialty museums that are open during the summer season. These include the Turkansaari Open Air Museum, the Sailor’s Home Museum, the Oulu Castle Cellar, the Pateniemi Sawmill Museum, the Oulunsalo Museum of Local History and Culture and the Kierikki Stone Age Centre.

North Ostrobothnia Museum

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Kaksi iloista lasta Ylikärpän pihapiirissä.

Turkansaari Open Air Museum

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Mies ja nainen hymyilevät Merimiehenkotimuseon ikkunan edessä. Miehellä on koira sylissään.

The Sailor’s Home Museum

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Oulu Castle Cellar

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Pateniemi Sawmill Museum

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Oulunsalo Museum of Local History and Culture

We are building our websites in English